How to set up Reemo Studio to connect teams to their workstation, while working from anywhere
7 min readMay 25, 2021
The goal of this article is to show you how to configure your Reemo Studio to allow your teams to work together and offer them Ultra HD access with full control over their remote workstation (physical or virtual) wherever they are… Via a Chrome browser!

Long story short is above all a high performance low latency desktop streaming protocol, widely used in the Creative Industries sectors (Animation, architecture, engineering and video games studios).

It derives its legitimacy from the ability it offers employees to connect in 3 clicks from a Chrome browser to their workstation so that they can find their usual working environments identically in High Definition (Windows 10, Linux, MacOS), their applications and current files projects while taking advantage of the GPU power of the remote machine located many miles away.

This protocol provides essential functionalities for workloads that require a display that combines speed, image quality, and a need to use and operate peripherals from the local machine on the remote machine. (Microphone, webcam, drawing tablet + pen support, multiple screens ..)

Reemo Studio : What is it about ?

The use of the Reemo protocol has opened up a whole range of possibilities and endowed companies with an incredible brick of agility. Several uses were created naturally or forced by events related to the COVID-19 crisis. And to answer it, we imagined an intuitive interface to transparently connect teams to their workstation.

With Reemo Studio, companies mainly involved in Creative Industries have been able to transform their work organization: We can mention 3 major needs:

  • The implementation of teleworking via Reemo Studio: Internal or external collaborators thus work at their own pace by processing the company’s data on its environment without anything leaving the information system. Using Reemo for remote access give capacities to Creative team to work with large graphic-intensive files and use the procesing power wherever they are no matter what local hardware they have with them. Which is also a very good point when it comes to Security.
  • Ease recruitment by using the interface features: Send access automatically by email to users, manage their rights and have control over the entire computer park are some of the features used by companies to remove the constraint geographically by looking for talents wherever they are. Benefit from a larger talent pool is a real advantage when you are in a business sector with high stress in terms of HR. Even located remotely, the employee has access to a company workstation, that it is displayed in a browser thanks to the Reemo low latency protocol.
  • Increase the level of security: With Reemo Studio, you no longer need to consider leaving company machines or even buying laptops that need to be configured and which naturally increases the risk of data theft following file transfers necessary to work from the company’s information system to mobile terminals

You will now learn step by step how to activate and configure the Reemo Studio solution.

Creating your Reemo Studio

#1 : Log in to your account from a Chrome browser and click on [Studio] in the taskbar

NB: More information about getting started here !

#2 : Specify the following items relating to the payment of Reemo Studio license (s)

Team Name: the name you want to give to your Reemo StudioSeats: the number of licenses you need. NB: a license corresponds to a seat in your Reemo organization. Each user to be added, deleted or deactivated later.Billing information: you have the choice between the following payment methods (credit card or SEPA)

#3 : Welcome to your Reemo Studio page. You now have a new private key associated this time with this studio that you have just created. To discover it, just click on “Your Studio Key”. With this key, you will be able to link all the machines in your company to your Reemo studio. Simple and efficient :) !

#4 : It’s time to download the service on machines you want to give access to. Remember, Reemo has dedicated version for Windows 10, Linux (several distributions supported) and MacOS. There are two ways to do this :

1st- Download the service from the website here2nd- Deploy in .exeNB 1: do not forget that you must insert the private key of your studio to see the machines appear. Not to be confused with your personal private key which can be found on the [computer] tabNB 2: You will find more informations about the operated system supported by Reemo here !

#5 : You should see the machines appear. To do this, simply click on the All computers tab and check by yourself

#6 : Now is the time to give your team members access. Everything is done in an automated way. Each invited member will receive an invitation in their email box.

a- Click on “Invite New members” and enter the email addresses of your team members

b- Then click on “All members” to check that everything is OK

#7 : It’s time to give each member rights to the machines in your studio.

a- Click on the [all computer] tab

b- Select a machine on which you want to give access to a member to access the console

c- Click on “Add user” and select the name of one or more members

Redo the manipulation for each of the other machines.

Your members will then see appear in their interface, once connected, the icon of a machine corresponding to the one(s) on which you would have given them rights.

#8 : On the machine console, you can rename the machine by clicking on the menu [] <> Rename

#9 : All you have to do is store the machines by classifying them in different groups. Each group will contain computers and members that you have added yourself.

a- Click on the “Team” tab then on the [+]

b- Give a name to this new group

c- Click on the “computer” sub-group and add the machines that must belong to this group (same thing for adding users to this group by clicking on the “members” sub-group

User side: getting started

Remember, each member of your studio has received an automatic email informing them that you have invited them to join

After creating an account by simply entering a password, each member can access their Reemo account via a Chrome browser, wherever they are.

#10 : Once the credentials are entered, the user will see the machines assigned to him. In our example below, we see the remote machine on which this user has obtained rights.

Remote access & control of the workstation

#11 : To start the session and display the desktop of the remote machine, all you have to do is click on the machine icon. The remote desktop is displayed in an instant and the capacities offered by the Reemo protocol (60 FPS UHD) allow you to have an unreal responsiveness. Managing latency and supporting most peripherals is the key to an incredible user experience.

I’m having access to my desktop under Windows from my Macbook-Pro through a Chrome browser with Nothing to install on the client side.
I’m having access & full control to my remote Windows desktop from my Macbook-Pro through a Chrome browser with (Nothing to install on the client side)

#12 : To display the menu and discover all the options (Bandwidth control, full screen mode, gamepad drivers, etc.) go to the top of the screen, and click on the menu.

#13 : Finally, to end the streaming session from your remote machine, all you have to do is select “Disconnect” in this same menu.


You now know the basics of Reemo Studio. We have covered getting started with the Reemo Studio offer which allows you to expand the virtual boundaries of the workplace in an instant, in complete security with the control of rights and access.

As you have seen, the interface is very intuitive and allows you to have operational control over access to company machines. Since the solution is accessible from a simple Chrome browser, the teams did not need any special training. Opening Reemo and “streaming” your PC is as easy as opening Youtube and watching a video.

I hope you found this interesting and useful! Please feel free to add any questions or comments below.



Your streaming rocket for an unreal remote connectivity. Widely used in Creative Industries